在 Excel 单元格中查找最后一个空格(Space)的位置


I have an Excel sheet with text values, e.g. in A1: “This is the text”. I need to find the position of the last space character. Is there an excel formula that will give me the result I want? I have tried FIND and SEARCH, however these start from left, what I need is to start from right.


=FIND("☃",SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","☃",LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))))


  1. LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","")) gives you the number of spaces, let’s call it x,
  2. SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","☃",[x]) will replace the xth space (so the last one) by a snowman,
  3. FIND("☃",[...]) will give you the position of the snowman. Which is the position of the last space.


// Here's another way, any characters are allowed in A1 (even snowmen!)
=LOOKUP(2^15,FIND(" ",A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1)))))

In Excel 2010 or later you could also use AGGREGATE function like this:

=AGGREGATE(14,6,FIND(" ",A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1)))),1)


  1. FIND has a third argument that defines the start position of the search, if you apply an array of integer values 1 to n (where n is the length of A1) to that parameter you get an array back with the last number being the position of the last space.

  2. LOOKUP then extracts that number by searching for a value greater than any value that might be found in that array, in which case the last number is found.

  3. FIND returns the same array as before and by using 14 as 1st argument of AGGREGATE and 1 as the last you get the largest value in the array, whilst ignoring errors [6].

  4. INDIRECT works ->

Assuming A1 has 12 characters then this part "1:"&LEN(A1) evaluates to "1:12" that’s a string which ROW can’t process but INDIRECT converts a string to a valid reference which ROW can handle, so ROW(1:12) then gives you

FIND returns an array, e.g if A1 contains barry larry houdini then FIND will return this array
{6;6;6;6;6;6;12;12;12;12;12;12;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;#VALUE!;‌​#VALUE!} and LOOKUP and/or AGGREGATE will take the last/largest numeric value from that, i.e 12.